Tuesday 28 August 2012

Wand making and crafting on our camping trip

After wand making at the Wilderness festival I was keen to try it again, and a camping trip with lots of children was the perfect opportunity.
I gathered the sticks, leaves, feathers with Hettie and brought them back to the camp. I had brought the wool with me as well as a little glue and fairy dust. I didn't really offer any direction but just lay everything out, started to make my own want and let everyone go with their own designs. Then I just helped out wherever needed.
Yes I have wild camping hair!!!
It was lovely watching everyone getting right into it!

 I loved everyone's final designs! What I didn't expect was how much the eldest boy Peter got into it too with his Harry Potter take on it! He really took his time and made a fantastic wand.

The wands were finished with a little glue and fairy dust to create the magic!
 The rest of the weekend was then taken up by spell duels! I needed a want to hand at all times to ward off Peter's Expelliarmus and Avada Kedavra and even Joplin was shouting 'Smellyamus' at Peter by the weekend's end!!
 The wool was actually such a versatile form of entertainment over the weekend. As well as some embroidery silks that Kate had brought along it became hair wraps, friendship bracelets and to my delight I realised I could remember how to play cat's cradle! Loads of fun!!!

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