Friday 25 May 2012

A busy fun outdoorsy day

It's been a really fun and busy day today!
We started off at a local Children's centre where they have a fantastic sensory garden. 

We then set off to a local farm centre. There are tons of fab playgrounds, sandpits, JCBs to drive and of course animals. Joplin was so proud to hold a guinea pig and I loved the billy goats crossing the troll bridge! I was really proud of Joplin towards the end of the outing when he decided to 'shoot a goal'. He must have thrown the ball around 40 times before it finally went in one of the higher holes and I was really impressed with his persistance. 


  1. East Street centre the first bit, then Hatton Farm Park in Warwick for the rest. Hatton is absolutely excellent but has 2 price brackets - winter and summer. Summer is about 3 X pricer and more in bank holidays - worth it for the odd time but on a sunny Winter's day it's an absolute gem! Joplin is always begging to go again though so we should go together if you fancy it!

  2. PS - you're my first 'comment' on my blog! Thanks! :-)

  3. ah I remember you saying now - might see if I can get a journalist I know to get some work perks... lol
